The most effective ways for the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies

Prostatitis is called inflammation of the prostate gland. He is accompanied by a strong pain, discomfort during sexual intercourse, complete blockade of the outflow of urine, or difficulty passing urine. Cure the disease in the medium and advanced stage without consultation with a doctor and a complete examination is very difficult, almost impossible. However, at the beginning of its development, and dealing with it is really, and for this it is not necessary to drink a powerful drug. In this case, it is able to help alternative medicine.


Preparation for the therapy of prostatitis in the home

Before start taking the drugs, prepared with their own hands, it is necessary to know the nature of the source of prostatitis. This malocclusion appears in the background:

  • the activity of the microflora pathogenic in the urinary system (fungi, bacteria, germs);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • subcooling of the body;
  • style of life;
  • the lack of physical activity.

Without eliminating the causes of prostatitis to cope with inflammation of the prostate gland does not work. Then for 2-2,5 weeks man must drink at a rate of Immunostimulants and complex of vitamins and minerals, and only then start to take the traditional medicine.

In the list of simple, but effective immunomodulatory, sold without a medical prescription, comprising:

  • Immunal;
  • echinacea extract in the form of a tincture of alcohol;
  • Amiksin;
  • Immunity.

Vitamins and minerals are selected for personal reasons. Especially, pay attention to their composition. They must contain potassium, magnesium, vitamins c, A and D, phosphorus, and iron. These substances are useful to the male body and promote the rapid removal of the inflammatory process.

The treatment of prostatitis in the home with the help of the people methods

Alternative medicine offers a lot of options to fight the inflammation of the prostate gland. Some of them act slowly, but they are persistent therapeutic effect, while others bring an immediate relief, however, requires a long and constant reception. To say in advance about the effectiveness or the other method, without a complete examination and exams impossible. Therefore, the doctors still insist that we must first go to the hospital, get a diagnosis and then cure themselves.

If a man does not want to or cannot visit a doctor and decided to get rid of prostatitis, with their forces, you must remember that, in the absence of any positive change in 2 months, it is necessary to stop the therapy and make an appointment with a urologist. If you continue to take the drugs, which do not produce any result, then, with large probability, the common form of the disease enters the acute or chronic.

Listed below are the best tools offered in popular sorcerers, men who suffer from prostatitis. Are tested for centuries and in most of the cases give a result of 100%.

Herbal medicine

Examination of the doctor

This technique has appeared in ancient times, the sumerians, and consists in the use of medicinal plants. In the herbal medicine are used both whole herb, and their individual parts. In the first place, to saturate the body with nutrients, strengthen the immune system, and then start to fight the cause of inflammation of the prostate, also decisive the other organs, and scrolling through the prevention of colds, infectious diseases and viral diseases.

In the treatment of prostatitis, you can use the plants, with their hands up, or already prepared raw materials, purchased in the pharmacy. The effectiveness of the drug does not change, however, the doctors advise to choose exactly just collected grass, as well as, according to them, they contain more vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, dried, who have passed the production of treatment.

Good results in the struggle with an inflammatory process of the prostate showing how the plants:

  • nettle;
  • paeonia anomala;
  • plantain;
  • lapuh;
  • fireweed;
  • the parsley.

To do medicine, you need to take 4 tablespoons of one of the following herbs, pour in a pan of nail Polish and pour hot water (about 1 liter). After all simmer for half an hour, is filtered and shines in a clean container. To prepare a decoction, add a couple of tablespoons of honey, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. Sugar down to taste, but it is better to do without it.

The tool to take half a cup 3-4 times a day, preferably on an empty stomach. The average duration of treatment is 1.5 – 2 months. The first improvement of well-being must be visible in the second week of therapy.

Even traditional healers offer to take 1 tablespoon. l. of each herb and mix. In this collection you can make a decoction or an infusion. The latter is prepared with the use of alcohol, diluted with water, in the proportion of 1 to 3, or from food, glycerin (for those who are contraindicated drugs with the content of ethyl).

The collection of medicinal plants is paid in the bank, there to pour 0.5 liters of the liquids, all mixed thoroughly and close the lid. Insist the drug need to not less than 10 days. After having filtered it, and take 10-20 ml 3 times per day at intervals of 4-5 hours.


In this way, the therapy is based on the preparation of medicinal baths such as for the body, and for the arts or the intimate zone. For the procedure need to make a strong decoction of wormwood, chamomile, celandine, marigold or lemon balm. In 3 liters of water is taken not less than 800 grams of any plant. All the components cook for 30-40 minutes, then prorezyvatsja and we are cold to 40-43 degrees.

The broth poured into the bathtub full of warm water, a man immersed in his chest and is in a quiet location 15-20 minutes After need to wipe and go straight to bed.

Another option of treatment of prostatitis are the pedals bathrooms. Before going to sleep in the basin, and diluted to 1.5 l of broth with a liter of hot water, there surrounded by the foot. Steaming lasts up to a full liquid cooling. Next in the walk to wear warm socks and can not be removed until the morning.

It is still possible to pour 3 litres of broth and water in a large bowl. A man is needed to sit in it for the liquid, the reins of the genitals. The procedure lasts about half an hour, if the water has cooled before you, then it's not worth the effort.

Herbal medicine

Bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs is necessary to do every two days. As a way of therapies are not suitable, then it is best to combine with other means of alternative medicine. Treatments help to normalize the blood circulation in the body, lower limbs, reduce inflammation in the basin, and will also help to strengthen the immune system, because part of the nutrients go into the body through the skin.

Rectal candle

Suppositories placed in the anus, are considered to be the best remedy to combat the prostatitis. Begin to act more quickly than oral medications, and give long-lasting results.

Popular "old-fashioned" ways of cooking the suppository rectal:

  • Ingredients – beeswax (for the base), cocoa, ground pumpkin seeds, essential oil of sage, a clove of garlic. First melt the wax (70 g). Spread it on a plate, which is placed on top of the pot with the water. While it heats up the wax melts. Above you need to add 1 teaspoon of natural cocoa powder, 3 drops of sage oil, a small chopped with a knife, the garlic clove, 10 g of pumpkin seeds, dried and milled in a coffee grinder. All the components are mixed together to form a rectangular candles, put that in the fridge for a pour point. Ready suppository injected into the rectum 1 time per day, before going to sleep. Be treated in this way will have 1 to 2 months;
  • 150 g of natural butter mixed with honey and a teaspoon of juice of onion. From the mass resulting form the spark plugs of 1-2 cm and send in the refrigerator to solidify. Suppositories use every day, for the night. The duration of therapy up to 1.5 months. Manage frozen candles butter with attention. They are very fragile, and for the administration rectal can break. To facilitate the process, you can lubricate the surface of the candle cold, sunflower oil;
  • Do I have to buy liquid pork fat, extract of celandine (without alcohol), nettle, dried and essential oil of orange. 100 g of lard is heated in a metal dish. You can dissolve the fat completely, but only make it soft. In it is added a pinch of nettle powder, 1/4 teaspoon of extract of celandine, diluted in half with water, and a couple of drops of essential oil. The mixture is placed at 15 minutes in the refrigerator. When she begins to solidify, from its mould candle of small size. After their spread on parchment or a sheet of foil and again send cool. Hardened suppositories injected anal the morning and before going to sleep.

Solutions for irrigation

Enema of decoctions of medicinal plants is a good alternative to candles, which is placed in the anal opening. Their easy-to-prepare and easy-to-apply.

Medicinal solutions for irrigation with prostatitis make:

  • aspen or oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • the berries of sea buckthorn;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • peel the onion;
  • Rectal candle
  • artemisia;
  • calendula;
  • rosa canina;
  • walnut eardrums.

These are the ingredients to quickly relieve the inflammatory process, locally, strengthen the immune system to kill germs and bacteria.

100 g of any of the following raw materials pour hot water (350-400 ml), simmer for 10 minutes, let steep and cool to a comfortable temperature, then filtered, and gaining an enema (even more idiotic). If you want, you can add to the solution a little bit of natural honey.

The tip of an enema injected into the rectum and pour in the rectum of its contents. Via the man must bump the sphincter and keep the fluid within at least a couple of minutes.

Do irrigations but every day, preferably several times per day. A quick result can you get when you combine an enema with baths, the rectal candles and/or the intake of oral medicines from prostatitis.


This is an auxiliary way to combat the inflammation of the prostate gland. He is not able to cure the disease, but to accelerate therapy and to strengthen the action of the main drugs is perfectly capable of.

For compresses, as in the case of enemas, is necessary to prepare a solution. Best for this suitable:

  • a mother and stepmother;
  • rosemary;
  • calendula;
  • milk thistle;
  • plantain;
  • inula;
  • the celandine;
  • eucalyptus (leaves or tincture);
  • horsetail.

100 g of each plant, fresh or dried, decocted in 500 ml of water. The filtered liquid, it is moistened with gauze (approximately 20x10 cm). Fabric slightly press and apply to the horse, holding tightly to their underwear.

Decoction of oats

Remove the compress and then, when it has cooled. The procedure do this every day before going to sleep. The bed linen was wet, below the base of the canvas development, or folded four times in a sheet.

Other folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis in men

If the above listed ways to relieve the inflammation in the prostate gland have not given results or effects of their use is not pronounced, you can try the following recipes:

  • Oats (300 grams) poured 500 ml of water and cook for about half an hour. After the liquid is filtered and mixed with cinnamon and powdered garlic (3-4 cloves). The taste of the drug extremely unpleasant, but contributes to the weakening of the pain syndrome, strengthen the immune system, and for a short time, free from prostatitis. Ready mix and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times daily before each use for food. The treatment lasts no more than a month;
  • 1 tablespoon of bee dead bees (dead insects) mixed with a glass of sunflower oil or olive oil and heated on the plate. The extract api is used for compresses, applied to a horse, enters in the composition of rectal suppositories together with the attracted or the propolis;
  • In a glass of boiling water, diluted 2 tsp of mustard powder. In a mixture of wet gauze, its folded in four parts and apply between the testicles and the anus. Clean wrap needed when you start to cool down. Cure to prostatitis does not work, however, mustard lotions well disperse the blood, they provide the liberation from signs of inflammation and accelerate the process of integrated therapy;
  • The simplest method, but it is an effective option to combat the prostatitis – drink the tea of rose hips, lemon juice, mint and cinnamon. Fruit plants, pulverized in a meat grinder, pour boiling water, put in saucepan a slice of citrus fruit, a few leaves of mint and the dressing. All infused a couple of hours and used heat for 2-3 times daily. The drink is prepared always fresh.
Vospalenie of the prostate

The role of prevention in the treatment of prostatitis

Treat inflammation of the prostate and does not make estimates of activity – 100% guarantee that the disease after a while back. Therefore, the intake of drugs and immunomodulatory drugs, the man must take care of your health and make sure that the disease is not to be disturbed. For this it is necessary to respect the following rules:

  • We need to protect the body from the cold and overheating. The strong fluctuations of the ambient temperature have a negative influence on the condition of the body;
  • In the menu that should appear fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, meat and protein-rich foods;
  • Activities – deposit, lack of processes stuck in the pelvic area. Then you need to get out more, to do every morning to recharge or run before going to sleep in the park;
  • Bad habits such as smoking, drug addiction or alcoholism, not only can improve the symptoms of prostatitis, but, in general, worsen the welfare of the men. In order to accelerate the therapy, and for always forget about the serious diseases, we have to abandon them and start to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, it is necessary to consult your doctor regularly and follow his recommendations. Constant surveillance on the part of the doctor helps to detect the malocclusion and fight with them.